Desired Constellations
2020-2021 The human intellect has been engaged for centuries in the will to quantify the time elapsed since the creation of things. The stratification of the ages, the epochal changes, the evolution of the human species and its habitat have been objects of specific studies aimed at the representation of what is most emblematic: the flow of time. A scientific journey to the unknown that reports real data on phenomena light years far from us, such as that of the stars: through gyroschronology it was possible to establish the exact age of these celestial bodies of which we see only the glow. A journey through time simultaneous to the experience of the present: this is what happens when we observe a star located a thousand light-years from us. Observing a photograph we can experience the same temporal short circuit through which we experience the flow of time, which in turn becomes a tool to observe something that exists only in its past form. The human species has always developed questions, doubts, questions and, finally, theories on the latent dimension of time, from the cosmogonic rhythms of the stars up to the scientific method. Time crystallizes, similar to the stalagmites of a cave, its presence. Its trace becomes the main source of study and so Desired Constellation follows an imaginary timeline through which it is possible to join two dimensions, one opposite to the other, in constant dialogue with man and his representation. From prehistoric caves to Roman quarries abandoned in the twentieth century after the arrival of the Nazis, from seemingly uncontaminated contexts up to those more anthropized, Desired Constellation brings into allegorical dialogue the most archaic dimensions of the territory together with the contemporary ones, navigating through a timeline in which future and past peer at each other, opening the doors to a collective and mystified imagination. |
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